Myofascial Release — 360 Physical Therapy and Wellness in Fulton, MD

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a soft tissue manual therapy for the treatment of chronic muscular pain and immobility. Myofascial release focuses on reducing pain by easing the tension and tightness in the specified areas of pain. It is a type of massage also known as “deep tissue work”.

When performing myofascial release, your physical therapist will begin by gently massaging the skin until they find the point of tension where the fascia feels rigid (sometimes known as “a knot”) instead of smooth. Your physical therapist will move slowly through the layers of the fascia until the deep tissues are reached.

Myofascial release may be beneficial for individuals who suffer from headaches, migraines, and neck pain. Gentle massage on tightened muscles in and around the head and neck can provide pain relief and improve mobility.

Myofascial release for plantar fasciitis is an effective treatment for individuals who suffer from chronic pain, low-back pain, neck pain, headaches, TMJ, and. Recent studies show that myofascial release for fibromyalgia helps to reduce pain and improve physical function.

The physical therapists at 360 Physical Therapy & Wellness in Fulton, MD are experts in performing myofascial release for back pain, neck pain, headaches, and fibromyalgia. Contact us and schedule your appointment today.