Elbow Pain 



Elbow pain is a frequent complaint among athletes. Elbow injuries commonly known as “tennis elbow” and “golfer’s elbow”, can affect not only athletes, but those who perform repetitive movements on the job, or carrying out a hobby such as gardening. 

Elbow injuries often originate in the shoulder, and even the neck, though you may or may not feel pain in those areas. Before undergoing surgery, consider using physical therapy for your elbow pain. The highly trained physical therapists at 360 Physical Therapy & Wellness will work with you to perform a full assessment of your elbow and arm to determine the root cause of your pain and will take a conservative approach to treating your ailment and helping you to regain full strength and range of motion in your arm. 

If you have tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow, or simply have a lingering pain in and around your elbow joint, physical therapy can help. If you have already had surgery for tennis or golfer’s elbow, physical therapy can help improve your recovery. Call or email us to schedule your appointment today!   


Tennis elbow in Fulton, Maryland

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) is a painful condition on the outside of the elbow, typically associated with overuse. 

Tennis elbow is usually a chronic condition that develops over time. The pain can radiate down the forearm to the wrist, and results in a loss of grip strength. Physical therapy for tennis elbow is a highly successful alternative to surgery.

Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) occurs on the inside of the elbow and forearm, also associated with overuse or repetition. 

As with tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow typically develops over time and the pain presents weakened grip strength. Manual therapies, rest, and strengthening exercises are a few conservative ways that physical therapy can treat golfer’s elbow.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome affects the ulnar nerve (commonly known as the “funny bone”) and is a consequence of inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the nerve. 

Imagine of women with elbow pain gardening in Fulton, Maryland

Pain felt is usually a tingling in the forearm, extending down to the fingertips. Physical therapy for cubital tunnel syndrome is highly effective in restoring mobility and reducing pain.


At 360 Physical Therapy & Wellness, our board-certified physical therapists will perform a thorough assessment to properly identify the root cause of your elbow and arm pain, and will take a safe, effective, and non-surgical approach to treatment.

Our conservative physical therapy treatments for elbow pain include:

  • Rest. In many cases, elbow pain is a result of overuse. Our physical therapists will recommend a break from activity so we can help you regain your full strength. Ice therapy for elbow pain helps to reduce pain and swelling. Ice should be applied immediately following active use.

  • Manual therapy. Muscles, joints, or tissues that are inflamed or tense benefit from manual therapy.  Your physical therapist will perform skilled, hands-on techniques such as joint manipulation and mobilization and massage to improve tissue extensibility; increase range of motion; reduce tension; reduce pain; and reduce soft tissue swelling and inflammation. 

  • Joint mobilization/manipulation. Specialized, hands-on manual therapy techniques aimed at decreasing pain, reducing compensations, and improving mobility.

  • Stretch and strengthening exercises. Combined, stretch and strengthening exercises for elbow pain can help repair damaged muscles, joints, and tendons. 

Contact 360 Physical Therapy & Wellness today to meet with a physical therapist for your elbow pain. We provide the highest level of evidence-based physical therapy care in Fulton, MD.