Insurance Information

360 Physical Therapy & Wellness works with some but not all insurance carriers. Please contact us at 301-957-2564 for any questions you have on insurance and rates. Treatment packages are available for all clients, regardless of whether you have insurance, or whether we participate with your insurance provider. You shouldn’t be limited from receiving the best care possible based on your insurance provider.

What does this mean? 

Dr. Kumar provides the highest level of comprehensive, evidence informed , and client centered physical therapy services. Often, insurance companies can dictate the terms of how those services are provided. We believe that our clients deserve the highest quality of care, and that shouldn’t be limited by the insurance you have. Therefore, if we are not paneled with your insurance directly, upon request, we can provide receipts for your insurance provider to reimburse you for any services that you have received with appropriate codes.

Did you know? 

The rise in copays and deductibles may actually result in you paying more for services covered by your insurance than paying out of pocket.

If you have not met your deductible, you will likely have to pay the full balance of each therapy visit until you meet it. This will add up over time, and depending on your insurance provider, you may receive a massive bill at the end of your cycle of care. If you have a high deductible, you may benefit from getting one of our pre-paid packages, which not only reduces your costs, but also puts you in charge of the kind of care you seek to receive. In fact, some insured clients without deductibles find our pre-paid packages to be more satisfying and cost-saving. We have a variety of treatment packages and payment options available.